
Widok na rzeźby Jezusa i innych świętych przytwierdzone do ściany w muzeum
In Małopolska, which is the cradle of Christian culture, we can find many museums and exhibitions related to religion. This is connected with the presence of a significant number of places of cult or the number of Saints and the Blessed coming from the region.

The most valuable collections of sacred art have been gathered, inter alia, in the Archdiocesan Museum in Krakow (painting, sculpture, handicraft from the 13th to the 19th century, memorabilia related to Karol Wojtyła) or the oldest Polish Diocesan Museum in Tarnów (Gothic sculpture, painting, church paraments). With the Saints and the Blessed we associate e.g.: Brother Albert’s Museum, Holy Father John Paul II Family Home Museum in Wadowice, the room devoted to the Blessed Karolina Kózka in the village of Wał-Ruda. Thanks to the missionary activity, the Redemptorist Museum in Tuchów or the Museum of Vincent de Paul Congregation of the Mission have been established. Małopolska also has many Judaica of the Jewish community living there before World War II. Currently, the largest collections of Judaica are gathered: in the old Synagogue in Krakow (objects related to religion and rites); Oscar Schindler’s Emalia factory and Eagle Pharmacy (the martyrdom of the Jews of Krakow during World War II).

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